The party is over....the happy couple wave goodbye to adoring guests....the venue staff begin the clear up....and the wedding photographer races home to download their days work!


Photo-processing used to be a mystical art carried out in a 'dark room' with pungent chemicals, weird red lights, reels of film and a hanging line of drying prints. I remember the mild anxiety as the solution washed the surface of the photographic paper and an image sprang in to existence...did I 'get the shot'?

In present day, just as then, there is great skill to be employed if the photographer wishes to extract the most from their camera work; none more so than when preparing images for a wedding client. The dark room has been replaced by a professional office space, the weird red lights by the glow from a trio of large monitors, and the only chemical now is the caffeine!

You have to love (and I mean really LOVE) digital editing to be a leading wedding photographer - the days absorbed by post event screen staring should not be underestimated.  My typical wedding clients enjoy a final portfolio of anywhere from 600 to 1000 fully edited, colour corrected, cosmetically touched & worked images; their wedding day is unique, amazing and special and the final images must portray that.  After the party is where the magic happens....

The images below give an idea to prospective clients regarding what can be achieved. I would love to know which you prefer so please comment or contact me.









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